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Book Cover of Extending Android Builds

Appendix A ​

Companion Code ​

  • Playground ( The Playground repository contains over 40 independent mini-projects and Gradle Plugins. Please refer to 1-2-2 for more introduction.
  • Polyfill ( An open-source project used as a case study in this book, providing a set of third-party Artifacts consistent with AGP Artifact API style.
  • BundleTool Gradle Plugin ( An open-source project used as a case study in this book, a Gradle plugin automating BundleTool operations, including .apks generation, testing, installation, uploading, etc.
  • ScratchPaper ( An open-source project used as a case study in this book, a Gradle plugin to add variant/version/git-commit-id information to APK icons to differentiate distinct versions of the app.
  • Koncat ( An open-source project used as a case study in this book. It is based on KSP, aggregating Kotlin Symbols from multi-modules in compile-time without reflection or bytecode modification, for example, obtaining all implementations of a certain interface within an application.
  • Caliper ( An open-source project used as a case study in this book. It's a monitor and controller for Android sensitive permissions and API calls, based on the latest AGP bytecode transformation API.
  • Detekt ( Kotlin static code analysis tool.
  • Kotlin-Code-Analyzer ( A tool encapsulating Kotlin static analysis APIs based on Detekt.

Reference Material ​

The document below serves as a comprehensive reference collection encompassing the entirety of the book.